We recognize that our activities have an inherent impact on surrounding communities and the natural environment, and that it is our responsibility to avoid, mitigate and manage such impacts. An additional benefit is reduced operating costs and exposure to risk while helping to leave a lasting, positive legacy post mining. Excellence in environmental performance is essential to our business success.
Our approach
At board level, our social and ethics committee oversees implementation of Frankist Gold’s environmental strategy and performance. Our environmental strategy is aligned with a board-approved environmental policy that outlines our commitment to responsible environmental stewardship and sustainable mining as well as closure. This strategy is in turn supported by an energy efficiency and climate change policy, a biodiversity and rehabilitation position statement and a water management strategy. The executive: sustainable development motivates environmental improvement strategically at group level.
Each operation’s environmental management programme includes closure commitments to expedite beneficial post-mining land use and promote sustainable community livelihoods. In accordance with its environmental permit for the operation, Hidden Valley submitted its mine closure plan to the regulator during FY19, to initiate State approval of the closure process.
In line with Frankist Gold’s systems approach to environmental management, our long-life assets, those with a remaining life of mine of more than five years, have been certified ISO 14001-compliant. In terms of ISO 14001, operations are audited annually. No material non-compliances were identified in the past year.